Master Songs From ‘The Puppet Master’

Hey y’all! How’s life? Well, if your life isn’t so awesome at the moment, then maybe these new Glee songs will make you happier. New things regarding Glee always make me smile anyways. And yes, I do have new music here to share. The songs from episode 5×07 called ‘The Puppet Master’ are out so take a listen. Though I have to say that I am not digging this week’s songs. But that’s just me… judge for yourself:

‘You’re My Best Friend’ (by Queen) sung by Blaine
This is, by far, not Blaine’s best solo. It’s basic. Plus, I think he’s singing to the puppets, which is only slightly creepy.

‘What Does The Fox Say’ (by Ylvis) sung by ND and Pamela Lansbury
Well if it isn’t the famous Fox song. You know, I used to hate this song, but now since I’ve heard Glee’s version, I love it! Just kidding, I still hate it more than Blaine hates socks. I don’t even care that Adam Lambert and gang is singing this too. I still think it’s the weirdest song ever and I am not happy about Glee’s choice to cover it. All I’m saying is that there better be a smashing explanation for it.

‘Into The Groove’ (by Madonna) sung by Pamela Lansbury
This is the band’s first solo! Ooooh! In the episode, Kurt books the band a gig, but apparently there is some issues with that. Anyways, this song maybe wouldn’t be my first choice, but I think it’s an okay song for their first show. It’s good to hear them all sing it. And it’s a catchy song!

‘Cheek To Cheek’ (by Fred Astaire) sung by Sue and Will
Not the best. At all. Having Sue sing is just never good. Like I’m not saying she’s a bad singer, but it’s like Sue spends 99.9999% of the time hating on Glee and music and arts and then she goes and sings and I’m like….no thanks. It’s not even a great song for people of this generation… 😦

‘Nasty / Rhythm Nation’ (by Janet Jackson) sung by Jake, Marley and Bree
Hmm, Jarley and Bree together? This could be interesting. I get why they used ‘Nasty’ but why ‘Rhythm Nation’? And why is Bree a singer? I swear, if she joins ND……

You know what’s not here? ‘Don’t You Forget About Me’ by Simple Minds, that song from The Breakfast Club. Also known as the only song I was looking forward to from this episode. Yeah, about that….it’s not coming….EVER. Yeah, Glee cut that song so BOOOOO!

Anyways, those are the songs. To be honest, I am not impressed with these at all. Miley Cyrus’ ‘We Can’t Stop’ used to be in here, but it was replaced with ‘What Does The Fox Say’. Though I disliked Miley’s song, I’d rather that than what we have now. :S I’m seriously hoping that this episode will be cute and clever and hilarious because based on what I read, see and hear now, I think this may be in my top 5 least fave episodes. To quote Mcfly: “If I’m right then prove me wrong.”

That’s all for now!

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